The Humpback Whale Come-Back: An Amazing Success Story
We have been protecting the Humpback Whale since the 1970s, and many conservationists are understandably very happy with the results, which has effectively removed the species from the endangered list in 9 separate global locations. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOA) has confirmed that the numbers of Humpbacks have increased sufficiently to remove them from the endangered list in 9 locations.
Complex Intelligence
These majestic creatures can migrate up to 16,000 km and research has shown that they are very intelligent creatures that can problem solve, and they are still using the same routes in their migrations, only now they are not being hunted. One of the reasons for the Humpback’s popularity is the way they put on a show for whale watchers, and that’s why Sydney Whale watching is such a popular day out.
Worldwide Hunting Ban
The year was 1970, and finally the US declared the Humpback Whale as being an endangered species, and in 1982, The International Whaling Committee put an end to whale hunting, and that ban is still in effect today.
South Africa
Perhaps the best results are found in the waters off South Africa, where it is believed there are more than 30,000 Humpbacks in the Western Indian Ocean, and this was one region where the whale hunting was so prevalent. For the species to have bounced back is a reflection of the right actions that were taken by governments and international bodies.
Queensland and New South Wales
Off the Sydney coast, the Humpbacks can be seen on their migratory routes to and from the Antarctica, and if you would like to have a close-up experience with these amazing animals, book a whale watching trip that leaves from Sydney and you are likely to witness the breaching and many other surface behaviours the Humpback Whales exhibit. From April to November offers the best chances of seeing these creatures perform, as they use this route to give birth to calves and also to feed on the rich krill deposits found in Antarctica. The whales were almost hunted to extinction in the past century, and no one would have thought that in a few years, they would recover so quickly. Of course, there are similar success stories of the Humpback numbers increasing in many parts of the world, but the waters off the coast of Sydney have been particularly productive, with numbers rising steadily. The females are breeding every few years, and with tighter fishing controls, less young whales are accidently caught by commercial fishing boats.
Sydney Whale Watching
Every person that experiences a day out whale watching is affected by the presence of these unique creatures, and they are aware they are being watched and very often like to put on a show. If you would like to book a whale watching trip, search online for the established whale watching company that is based in Sydney, and you can literally choose your date.
A secure online payment reserves your space, and this is something you won’t forget in a hurry, as 30 tons of mammal comes crashing down nearby.