Ten jobs that allow you to travel the world!
It’s fair to say that more people than ever are getting gripped by the travel bug. In fact, the Express reported that in 2016 that more Brits than ever travelled abroad across the 12 months.
Whether we travel to experience new cultures, broaden our minds or just for a week in the splendid sun; the majority of us love getting away at least once a year.
Finding Time To Travel
However, for the majority of us, the experience of travel only ever leaves us wanting more. On top of this, we never quite get to experience as much as we’d like.
This can come down to a variety of reasons, the most common of all being our professional life.
With most jobs unwilling to give us a sabbatical of several months to travel the globe, we are confined to just a couple of weeks each year. So how on earth do we go about altering this?
The most obvious answer is to find a job which involves a great deal of travel. There are lots of different professions which involve a certain amount of travel, such as a sales role.
However, there a select few which have global travel at their heart.
If you fancy a job that could take you to every corner of the globe then take a look at the new infographic from silverdoor.co.uk
It’s called ‘Ten Jobs That Allow You To Travel The World’ and discusses roles from a wide range of industries.
If you’re a journalist or writer, why not try your hand at travel blogging? Perhaps you’ve always loved skiing, why not become an instructor? If you are a photographer, the world is certainly your oyster!
These are just a few of the many suggestions in this piece. So, if you’d love to marry your profession with your love of travel, take a look below.
Ten Jobs Which Allow You To Travel The World – An infographic by the team at SilverDoor.co.uk