An A-Z Of European Country Name Origins [Infographic]

Posted on Jul 24 2017 - 11:05pm by James Brockbank

An A-Z Of European Country Name Origins

No matter whether you live in Europe or outside of it, there’s no denying what an utterly fantastic holiday destination it is.

One of the biggest reasons for choosing any part of Europe is for its fascinating and rich history.

Europe’s Many Landmarks

The list of fantastic cities and landmarks is almost endless. Just take a look at this article from USA Today which lists some of the best landmarks, all steeped in history.

Over the centuries, Europe has also changed a great deal. As empires, regimes, and governments have come and gone, borders have changed, and too to have the identities of nations.

With so many outside influences, every country in Europe has been influenced by those around it many times over.

Take a look at this fascinating three-minute video on Viral Forest. It maps the massive changes in European borders over the past 1000 years, its fascination just how much has changed.

Aside of borders, one of the simplest ways to learn a great deal about European history is from the names of different countries.

An A-Z Of European Country Name Origins

Throughout history, the names of many of Europe’s countries have altered. Because of this, a great deal can be learned from the current names.

A new infographic from explores this very idea. It’s called ‘An A-Z Of European Country Name Origins’ and you can take a look at it below.

The infographic contains a number of fascinating facts about Europe that you’ll likely never have heard before.

For example, did you know that Monaco derives from the Greek word Monoikos? This word translates as ‘single house’ or ‘single temple’ signifying a place to rest, which is very much still in keeping with modern-day Monaco.

Another good example is the origin of Kosovo. The name is taken from the Kosovo Plain, where the Battle of Kosovo, between Serbia and the Ottoman Empire was fought in the 14th century.


An A – Z Of European Country Name Origins – An infographic by the team at

James Brockbank
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About the Author

James Brockbank is an experienced author, writing on a wide range of topics relating to travel, lifestyle and food!