Your Road Trip Guide to TV’s Most Iconic Landmarks

Posted on Jul 20 2016 - 9:40pm by Marilyn Vinch

Your road trip guide to TV’s most iconic landmarks

When life in front of the TV gets tiresome – or, worse yet, you’ve reached the end of every box set – there’s nothing better to rekindle your love affair with the gogglebox than hitting the road to visit your favourite shows’ locations in person. Whether you fancy sleuthing on Baker Street or just want to check the coast is clear in The Walking Dead’s Atlanta, Georgia, seeing the worlds your heroes and anti-heroes inhabit can be more rewarding than any virtual reality experience – with the added bonus of live sounds and smells to take in as you go.

Washington DC has always been a popular tourist destination, as the seat of the world’s power is surrounded by imposing monuments and buildings familiar from both Hollywood and the news. Post-House of Cards, however, The Peachoid and the Capitol take on further pertinence to the avid fan – and a short trip to Baltimore will allow you to also tick Frank Underwood’s Park Avenue address off your to-see list.

What they rarely seem to mention in Game of Thrones is just how lovely the country surrounding King’s Landing is. On their days off from all that killing and ‘sexposition’, we can only assume the murderous cast make their way down to the beaches of Dubrovnik, Croatia, to top up their tans and catch up on the plot twists of their favourite fantasy novels. Not such a bad life to be a Lannister after all, eh?

In London town, you’ll find that Baker Street has drifted from the map, somewhat. While the atlas Baker Street remains a fine place to view classic London architecture and even do a bit of shopping, in the series the famous address is played by a stand-in, an address on North Gower Street in Kings Cross. Of course, taking a black cab from one destination to the other is the perfect way to get the full experience all the same.

If you’ve still got a few air miles to spare, be sure to check out this infographic listing some more such destinations from the latest hit shows, including some suggestions on the most ‘in character’ forms of transport in which to experience them.




Marilyn Vinch
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About the Author

Marilyn is a freelance writer and a digital nomad currently based in London, England. She enjoys reading (and writing!) about being a digital nomad, expat life, travel and work/life balance.