The Rise of the Expat-preneur’s [Infographic]

Posted on Jun 15 2016 - 11:21pm by Marilyn Vinch

The Rise of the Expat-preneur’s

The world has got a lot smaller since the advent of the Internet, improved international relations and low-cost airlines – and it’s easier than ever to escape the grey skies of home to enjoy life in a new culture. From Ecuador to Australia (and it seems to be the warmer climates that attract the most expats), economic migrants and romantic adventurers are finding ways to make a living outside of their country of birth, offering a fresh perspective to foreign businesses as well as helping to expand the international networks of their new colleagues.

Expat network/information source Inter Nations surveyed nearly 15,000 such migrants, to try to get a clearer idea of who is moving and why. The gender split is pretty even, with an average age of 41 – suggesting that those making the move are either looking for a fresh burst of energy, or were waiting for the financial security to make the leap. But in fact, a sense of challenge and of romance are often the fuel that gets them there. One in ten expats moved to be closer to a loved one, with around the same proportion moving for the sense of adventure.

These motivations are reflected in the choice of destination. Three of the top ten landing places are in Latin America, with migrants to Ecuador (number one) and Mexico (number two) specifically listing the cost of living, quality of life, and leisure activities among the aspects that attracted them. An abundance of teaching opportunities and translation gigs for foreigners, as well as the option to work remotely for your employer back home (or anywhere else in the world for that matter), indicate that the time is ripe to take advantage of these opportunities – and if you’re looking for a bit more insight into what it’s like, you can do no better than to check out this new infographic which puts some of Inter Nations extensive research into context.

The Rise of the Expat-preneur's


The Rise of the Expat-preneur’s Source

Marilyn Vinch
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About the Author

Marilyn is a freelance writer and a digital nomad currently based in London, England. She enjoys reading (and writing!) about being a digital nomad, expat life, travel and work/life balance.