Berlin: Europe’s Greatest City?

Posted on Jun 16 2015 - 10:53pm by Adam Meaden

Berlin has been a popular tourist destination for years and attracts people of all ages – for both the vast historical relevance and abundance of important museums to its culture and vibrant streets.

The city boasts a population of 3.4 million, which makes it the second most populated city in the European Union which means it’s pretty big and therefore, offers so many different attractions and things to keep you busy.

Today, visitors are able to explore the many historical museums, art galleries and monuments to trace the journey of this remarkable city through the decades. With countless opportunities available, it can be difficult to know where to start. Thankfully, Wimdu have just launched a free digital 87-page city guide broken down into 11 easy to digest chapters, which tell you everything you need to know when planning a city trip to Berlin.

We’ve already told you about the beautiful, fairy tale-esque nearby town of Rothenburg, which is about 2 hours journey away from Berlin but if you’re looking for things to do in the city, then this guide is for you.

The guide extensively covers both Eastern and Western parts of the city and features the top landmarks and seasonal highlights. There’s also top tips on the culture of the city and do’s/don’ts. The guide covers public transport, free things to do, food and all the best museums and galleries to visit.

There’s also important information about the Berlin Welcome Card, which covers all your transport as well as offering discounts to over 200 attractions. There’s also a separate museum card that allows free entry to the five famous museums (Ancient National Gallery, Ancient Museum, Bodemuseum, New Museum and Pergamon Museum) of the Berlin Museum Island.

Have a look at their mini-infographic below to check out some of the city’s top attractions and be sure to download and keep their e-book for your Berlin venture here:



City guide – Berlin’s top landmarks [Infographic] by the team at Wimdu

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About the Author

Adam is based in Manchester, UK. Continuing to write outside of work, Adam enjoys writing short scripts and articles for his own blog. He is a big fan of going on short, adventures around Europe whenever he can.