13 Sleep Hacks Every Business Traveller Needs To Know [Infographic]

Posted on Oct 5 2016 - 12:36am by James Brockbank

13 sleep hacks every business traveller needs To know

Whether you like it or not, travel is becoming an increasingly important part of business and industry success.

Business Travel On The Rise

Meetings Today recently reported that businesses are spending more on global travel each year, with the 2016 forecast set to reach a whopping $1.3 trillion. With certain industries becoming truly international, the need to travel abroad for engagements like meetings and conferences continues to grow.

All of this global travel adds certain stresses and strains to employees that perhaps didn’t exist at quite the same level a few years ago.

For example, instead of attending a meeting a couple of hours drive away and returning later that day, a couple of days have to be scheduled to make the journey.

This means there’s a lot more to think about; such as flights, hotel booking, working on the move and preparing for the actual business once you arrive. 

Working on the move can be particularly difficult. Without your usual workplace set up, it can be tricky to stay productive when working off a laptop combined with intermittent wifi and plenty of potential distractions.

This post from The Muse has a number of interesting ways to keep productive when travelling away on business.

Sleep is another thing which gets majorly affected when travelling away for work. Staying in hotel rooms the night before an important meeting can be disorientating, to say the least, and then there’s the potential issue of jet lag.


Thankfully, this is now one less thing to worry about. Sleepy People have come up with a handy infographic titled ’13 Sleep hacks Every Business Traveller Needs to Know’.

With advice on resting in airport lounges to sleeping during your journey, from sleep travel essentials to clothing advice, there are plenty of actionable tips here so that even the more experienced business travellers can learn something.

Don’t just take our word for it, take a look at the infographic below.

13 Sleep Hacks Every Business Traveller Needs To Know – An infographic by the team at SleepyPeople.com

James Brockbank
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About the Author

James Brockbank is an experienced author, writing on a wide range of topics relating to travel, lifestyle and food!